As a breathwork activist and life coach, Annabelle is dedicated to fostering holistic self-development for an authentic and purpose-driven life. Embracing authenticity, she triumphed over personal challenges, including overcoming depression in her twenties, discovering her life's purpose: empowering individuals through conscious breathing patterns.

Annabelle is committed to cultivating holistic well-being, self-confidence, and happiness. Drawing upon her firsthand experience of how breathwork and mindfulness have played pivotal roles in her journey to recovery, she is a passionate advocate for self-love and believes in the transformative power of expressing emotions in creative ways.

Envisioning a future-proof humanity united by collective purpose, emotional intelligence, and innovation power, she works with clients worldwide, both in private and corporate settings, guiding them on their transformative journey toward a more fulfilling and empowered existence. Based in Berlin, Annabelle invites you to explore the profound impact of conscious breathing, mindfulness, self-love, and creative self expression in crafting an authentic, purposeful, and joyous life filled with genuine connections and meaningful experiences.

Hey Hey, I'm Annabelle and my greatest wish is to be a living example for others to understand that it is possible to make peace with the past, to cultivate a new level of health and happiness, as well as to live your dream. I am convinced that every idea that you are passionate about has chosen you as a vessel to being expressed in your unique way. Now, how many ideas and dreams like that have you already let pass you by, just because you talked yourself out of it or let fear rule the situation? I am here to remind you, that there is only this moment right here and now to create from. If you let too many moments pass, you may look back at your life and wonder where time has gone so quickly and why you didn’t dare to full live by your means.

Each individual has a gift within them that only they can bring into the world. Without this gift, something is missing. And you may feel this absence. It is often expressed through inner restlessness, anxiety, dissatisfaction or depression. That's exactly where I was and felt completely out of place - on every level. However in order to find yourself, your place in the world, your dharma, you have to embrace the chaos and transmute it in creative ways. Life is not a linear experience, we flow and grow in cycles where change is ever present. Thus, life invites us to reinvent ourselves over and over again. So if you happen to feel stuck right now, please never think that you are wrong or sick - you are about to discover another part of yourself that wants to take you on an epic adventure! Be curious, be brave, beyoutiful!

The power of breath is what connects you to the present moment. My biggest breakthroughs I have experienced with the transformational power of breathwork. It brings you into the here and now moment, where you feel your body, where you have opportunity to transmute past pain and express it in creative ways. When your heart opens and releases those repressed emotions, you can not only travel through life much lighter, you can also hear the gentle song of your heart whispering your mission. Thus I combine breathwork and coaching methods to guide my clients along the path of self-liberation. It is the most gentle transformative method I know and you are always the director of this journey. Nobody outside yourself can do the work for you or will be able to tell you who you are or what your purpose is. It is all inside yourself to be discovered and I am honored to accompany you on this beautiful and unique journey. We need more purpose-driven people to create a better world today. We need you in your power, now. So come join and change your life with a breath and change the world with your purpose.

Don’t forget to play!

I believe that we are born to create. When you get an idea, it has dropped down in your brain, cause you have the resources to birth it into the world. Whether it is big or small, whether people are ready for it or not, you are ready for it and only you can design it the way it wants to be created. 

Life is short. We all take it way too serious at times and as human beings we have an innate urge to create. So dare it for the sake of creation and self-expression. The world would be incomplete without you.